Monday, 30 May 2016

CCTV Survelliance system

CCTV Security Camera System

CCTV Surveillance framework remains for close circuit TV camera that catch recordings uncommonly for the security purposes and television purposes. There are numerous different points of interest that make it extremely famous e.g. – it watches your property and resource viably and it is likewise simple to work. The most critical prerequisite of CCTV security Cameras is to ensure your powerless zone. Time watch India is resolved to offer top and best Security Camera framework, Video security camera framework, IP Cameras, demo cameras, remote CCTV cameras, and various different cameras.

CCTV CameraCCTV Camera

Time watch India fabricate and supply numerous number of video security cameras and framework i.e. CCD Regular Cameras with 1/3 determination and high sound bolster capacity, CCD Mount Camera with vandal evidence and sleek configuration, CCD IR Cameras with catching High determination pictures, CCD Outdoor Cameras, PTZ Network Camera with high 22X Zoom and PTZ Network Camera with 3 X Zoom. The fundamental essential reason for CCTV observation cameras framework is to screen and reconnaissance the work range. Our top CCTV Security Cameras catches electronic footage with best determination and sound emotionally supportive network.

CCTV CameraCCTV Camera

Benefit our best CCTV security cameras and reconnaissance framework with most recent innovation e.g.- High determination video and pics, Clear sound backing and better zooming offices to screen indoor and open air security observation.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Time Attendance Access Control Biometric Device

Bio-metric Finger print attendance systems:-


Time Watch offer Biometric time attendance systems latest technology devices, Includes fingerprint reader or card based (Proximity Smart Card) Biometric devices to reduce time spent in non-core activities by employees. These Biometric devices not only save time also avoid fake buddy punching.

finger print readerTime Watch India perfection in the business of Time and Attendance System manufacturing and supplying in India. we are using bar-code, magnetic card, fingerprint Scanner and face based technologies. time watch is the manufacturer of best Biometric time attendance Device for all types of offices, industries, companies, banks, restaurant, corporate hubs and any places that require time attendance system. Biometric time attendance system is high in demand because of high security, cost effectiveness, high performance and technology. Time Watch not only manufacture but also supply wide array attendance systems like biometric time attendance system, fingerprint time attendance system, biometric fingerprint time attendance Device, fingerprint reader and card based time attendance system.

Earlier companies used to manage employee’s attendance time in a register. those registers having various drawbacks i.e wastage of papers, require surveillance, not accurate, and time mismatch. To meet the requirement of industries, time attendance system was developed and now it become the most basic needs for every type of companies to track employee working hours. Time Attendance system manage and record employee’s incoming and outgoing time of all shift in its system. This data helps to calculate employee’s salary, evaluate employee’s performance, employee’s excess working hour detail and many more. of companies are manufacturing and supplying Biometric time attendance system but we are the top Manufacturer in India in comparison of our competitors because of our quality, durability, technology and commitment to clients. With more than a decade of the experience we explore the requirements and implement conceptual ideas into well functioned Biometric Time Attendance System.